Extra-CurriculaR Activities
Here at Downend learning beyond timetabled lessons is a key entitlement for our students. Our extensive enrichment programme offers a breadth of activities where students can try new things, learn new skills, and meet new people: fostering creativity, teamwork, confidence and curiosity through a well rounded and stimulating range of activities for everyone to become involved in.
Statement of Intent: Enrichment Curriculum
We offer a range of clubs and activities at lunchtime and after school, as well as a well established Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme, and a calendar of trips, visits and enrichments. In addition to this there is a broad programme of sporting fixtures, music tuition and concerts too.
For a taste of the activities available to our students, please browse the newsletters below.
Term 1 2024-25 1
download_for_offlineTerm 1 2024-25 1
- Term 2 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTerm 2 2024-25
- Enrichment Week 2023
- Term 1 2022 23
- Term 2 2022 23
- Term 3 2022 23
- Term 4 2022 23
- Term 5 2022 23
- Term 6 2022 23
Please click on the links below for further information.
Duke of Edinburgh
Music Tuition and Events
PRIDE passport
Trips and Visits
- Term 2 2024-25 download_for_offline